Am I right to be weirded out by this? (please read first)

We found out we were pregnant about half of November.

We announced to our best friends the beginning of December, because they're closer to us than our families are.

We announced to my parents on Christmas, and my husband's on the Christmas party, a few days later.

My dad was hosting a family party on newyears day so when we arrived they took us apart and told us that they weren't going to tell people because it was our news.

So we were going to tell everyone at that party, but one of my stepmom's nephews used to work in our company and was good friends with my husband.

He was running late but we wanted him to be there before we announced, so we didn't announce just yet.

Aparantly that took too long for my stepmother, so halfway the party she asked me very loudly if I was going to announce the good news.. I told her Yes.

Then someone came up to me that I didn't even know (stepmom's brother's new girlfriend) and asked me if I were expecting, I was uncomfortable and just nodded.. And then kind of fled to the toilet.. Also because I just needed to go.

When I came back from the toilet, she was showing everyone our ultrasound picture and telling them how I announced to my dad. She wasn't there when I announced to my dad because I'm not comfortable with her.

Meanwhile everyone knew I was pregnant, I hadn't had the opportunity to announce and my stepmom's nephew, who we were waiting for to announce, still hadn't arrived so when he did my husband had to take him aside to take a smoke and got to tell him then...

When that happened, with my stepmom, my dad and husband were both watching something on the computer so they didn't even notice..

But my husband told me to not take it personal.. But it does bother me.

Mainly because they took us apart to tell us we were going to be given the honors to tell people because it was our news.

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