I thought it would get easier 👎🏼


My little one is 2 months old now.

Boy I feel this has been soooo hard compared to when I gave my first formula.

When I think she’s going 2 hours maybe 3 if I’m lucky at bedtime between feeds bam we’re back to every hour or less.

We got to 7 weeks and it did ease a bit. It’s just so draining and where she’s had her 8 week injections she is so clingy!

I just don’t know if she needs formula to feel fuller for longer everyone i speak to on formula the baby goes 3 hourly.

I know she’s currently unsettled I’m just hoping after these injections were going to start expressing so hubby can do one feed when he get in as at the moment I don’t have a second to have a shower let alone pump 🙈

I do find breastfeeding so easy like at night not having to get up to make a bottle lol lazy side of me but same time I clearly wouldn’t keep at it if it wasn’t right for her I just wondered if she would be more happy settled on formula as she gets overtired , always wants me, annoyed with boob sometimes, soft spot does sink in sometimes , no routine ect