I’m terrified

I’m 18 almost 19 and 6 weeks 1 day pregnant. I had a miscarriage the day after my 17th birthday and I’m so terrified it’s going to happen again. I had some spotting not much cramping only a sharp pain that lasts a few seconds when I do to much strenuous work. The spotting has only been twice and the first time it was 2 small red dots on the toilet paper when I wiped and the next time was almost a week later with pink spotting just one dot when I wiped. I keep checking and nothing today just a lot of cm. I went to the ER the first time it happened and they said I have a subatomic hematoma that measured 1.0 cm I was 5 weeks 4 days then. They told me to follow up with my OB but where waiting on the referral so I have no idea. All I keep thinking is I could be losing the baby and I won’t even know. What should I do to stop this stress. I was fine until I started spotting again now all I want to do is run back to the ER to make sure the baby is ok. Picture of my bump/bloat today.