Weekly Ultrasounds and NST's + Chubby cheeks 😍


I have a Marginal Cord Insertion and was told towards the end of my pregnancy I'd get weekly BPP's and NST's to check the baby but my doctor said everything was fine and the baby is doing great so I wouldn't need them done weekly. Yet I've been getting them every week now. I hate NST'S. It always takes over an hour because I have a busy doctor and the nurses always forget about me! (Today they left me on for 1 hour 40 mins because they forgot to tell my doctor I was there) Plus my baby hates them so much. She will roll away and kick the monitors. I'm not really sure why they continue with these when my doctor said I wouldn't need them. I guess I should be happy in case something did happen though.

Here's an ultrasound pic we got today. Her cheeks are so chubby! I'm 36+5.