Amniocentesis for Spina Bifida

So my high risk OB found that baby has some form of spina bifida on my ultrasound

At 16+4. I’m meeting with a specialist a few hours away from me next week, and they’re wanting an amniocentesis.

Originally I said no, but in order to determine if I’m a candidate for the in utero surgery they could do to repair his back before he is here, they want one done.

I’m so terrified but I want the absolute best for my baby and the outcomes after the surgery are so much better than the outcomes if he were to have surgery after he is born.

The only topics about amniocentesis I’ve seen are people saying their baby is at risk for something. In my case we already know he has spina bifida, we just need to know he has no chromosomal abnormalities in order to move forward.

I just need to hear y’all’s stories, if anybody out there relates in any way.