Meet Addie 💗


Picture overload I know. Just a proud mama of my sweet girl. This is Adeline (we call her Addie) born January 6th, 2020. She was diagnosed at birth with DS. We had no idea (NIPT came back negative) but we feel so blessed to have her. She does have am AV Canal Defect and PDA. So she will need heart surgery once they start to see signs of failure. She also has a G tube to help with nutrition. She doesn't take much orally. She gets tired very quickly. They also don't want us trying to much either as she is only 7lbs 11oz at almost 7 weeks old and working too hard will cause her to burn more calories. But for now we are finally home from the NICU (Discharged at a month old) and enjoying every minute! Big brother is so in love! 😍