Mfs think im a bank !!!


I just started working at a sub and steak shop they pay me 9.25 he said once i show him im a hard worker he’ll raise to 10 but right now its 9.25

I get paid every week on Saturday or if i dont work Saturday and cant get my money he’ll pay you Friday 🥰 anyway so i got paid yesterday i am trying to save for a car and so i was suppose to save 100 (i have $97) im not spending anymore money i might spend a $1 for my gecko to eat crickets but let me get to the point of the rant. So while working my friend who i call my sis known her for 3 years so I know she be using ppl i know how she is & everything soo she knows i got paid yesterday so while im working she texts me saying can i get someone to give her $20 im like why she asking me🤔 like girl we havent hungout in a while and you always want me to do everything for you literally! It’s like she looks up to me shes 20 im 17 she doesnt have a job she use to do doordash but got fired bc she was stealing ppl food 😭 i feel like she uses me but its coo i “use” her too when im bored i hang with her because i cant hang with nobody else cause i have a boyfriend and most of my friends were guys so.. and then my fucking mom texts me and so i text back shes like oh jess gon text you and im like why??? She just kept saying jess gon text you (jess is her friend i knew her since i was a child ) and so basically jess gon asked me to do her a favor and im like what? And she says can i get a couple dollars and my face was like 🙄😳 and so i text her saying im not around which i wasnt im with my bae🤞🏾♥️ but that shit bothering me cause everybody knows i like to take care of my love ones and they trynna take advantage 😪🤷🏽‍♀️ i aint letting them though !!!