

I have a 19 month old daughter and have been raising her by myself for two months now. Dad is not in the picture ( dont want to go into details) and this past week I have been struggling. I get help from his parents and my mom watching her when I have to work but I feel like I'm drowning. Dad wasn't very much help when he was around but at least if I needed a break he was there. I dont know if I can do this all by myself. I dred days when it's me and her all day long because I feel so alone and I have to give her my undevided attention or else she throws a fit. I'm so bored watching the same nursery rhymes and playing with her. I love her so much but lately I just dont want to be a mom anymore. I guess I need some encouraging words and for someone to tell me I'm not a horrible mom for thinking this because I feel like I'm not giving her the mom she deserves