The birth of Micah 15/02/2020


Sorry for the long story

So I started having contractions around 9pm after my mum made me run around for 10 minutes. I couldn't sleep as the pain was too much. At 04am we decided to go to the hospital because I started vomiting. I got checked in at 5 20am and got checked and I was 2cm dillated. My BP was also very high so I was catheterizated and given some pills to drink.

I spent the whole day without progressing at all, but BP was still high. At around 8pm on Friday I was induced using some white pill that was inserted into my cervix. By 11pm I was crying and calling out names cause it was so painful.

The doctor came to check me and disappointingly I was only 3cm. I literally asked for a painkiller and a blanket because I was shaking and puking so bad. I was given pethadine injection and I slept.

By 03 05am I was crying and I was lying on the floor. I actually peed on myself. The midwife checked me and I was at 9cm and I could barely walk, she helped me walk to the labor ward and my water broke immediately I reached.

I pushed for 10 minutes and my boy was born. It was intense and memorable and not so bad.

I got a 3 degree tear.