Natural birth or hypnobirth success stories 💕



Please share your amazing experiences.

I am not against intervention and open to it

If need be but hoping to push through if possible!

I’ve been practicing hypnobirthing which I love and would love to hear your stories 😊

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I definitely found it helpful reading positive natural birth stories leading up to it. My birth was very smooth, I used hypnobirthing/meditation techniques. I also laboured at home as long as possible which can move things along faster since you're in your own space. Allows your body to relax more. Once at the hospital I tuned everyone out, didnt talk unless I had to, had my partner do the communicating. Labouring in water was so great, helped with the pain and let me float between contractions which was a nice rest. Also moving around helped keep things progressing. I ended up having a natural water birth. It was honestly a beautiful experience. It hurt yes, but didnt feel like anything my body couldnt handle. I found watching The business of being born and reading Ina May's guide to childbirth both great leading up to it for getting a good mindset. A big part of getting through the pain is mental, but everyone's pain tolerance is different and you really dont know it until you're in it. Good luck mama 💜💜


Carly🌻 • Feb 26, 2020
Could not agree more. It gave me so much insight 😊 I also forgot to mention that you could always look into a Midwife and/or Doula. Sending lots of positive vibes your way 💜💜


K • Feb 26, 2020
Thanks so much lovely. This is my plan exactly, hopefully things are able to go to plan or close to. A business being born is a huge eye opener and a must watch for all pregnant couples.


Posted at
I gave birth in a birthing tub at home 7 weeks ago! My labor was 43 hours, but I always felt safe and supported and capable. Baby was a bit stuck, and I'm pretty sure that if I had been in a hospital I would have been pressured into a C-section. At home, though, my midwives were so patient and my chiropractor came over twice to adjust me and help get baby into the right position. It was intense, but eventually she got into the right spot and I pushed for 45 minutes and she was out! I am so grateful that I was able to have an unmedicated home birth. It was so empowering - looking back on it, I'm impressed by what a badass I was! Haha. If you are pretty set on an unmedicated birth, I'd recommend looking into home birth or a birth center if they are an option in your area. Also feel free to message me if you want to talk more!


K • Feb 26, 2020
Wow, you are amazing woman! Thank you so much for sharing, I really wish a birthing centre was an option for me as I think it’s a good balance however unfortunately we only have 1 hospital... they’re big on inducing which sucks and I’ll avoid but also big on waterbirth a which is nice. I’ll stay at home as long as I can.