Left my doctors appointment Monday morning was told cervix closed no dilation which I was bummed abo...

Left my doctors appointment Monday morning was told cervix closed no dilation which I was bummed about.. got a call later and set an induction date for next Monday..and started having a little back pain on and off but didn’t think nothing of it. Around 10pm got in bed and was having those pains again but more intense to where I could not sleep l. Decided to time them at 11 they were 5 minutes apart and by 12 they were 2-3 minutes apart. They were contractions all in my lower back. Went to labor & delivery got hooked up and was admitted I was 2 centimeters. The pain was getting so unbearable I ended up being 4 cm within 2 hours being there so they started me on pitocin I ended up getting the epidural after that around 6 am. (Life savor) few hours later nurse came in and called for help which scared the shit out of me I started having a panic attack shaking because a couple nurses and the doctor ran in trying to find baby’s heartbeat I guess baby was laying on umbilical cord so they put the mask on me for oxygen for awhile and prepped the OR for c section just in case. Also turned off the pitocin. But when they checked me I was already at a 7. They checked me again about an hour later at 11 and I was already at 10 cm ..they didn’t want me to start pushing they wanted to wait until babygirl was ready and engaged more. Well I ended up pushing for 45 minutes and Meilani Christene was born at 1:18 pm February 25th, 7 pounds 4 oz 💗