Am I wrong for not wanting my kid to spend the night?


My sister in law who I haven’t seen in awhile called today and asked if she could take my son for the weekend. Obviously my boyfriend said yes right away with out even talking to me. I told him that I have only met my sister in laws boyfriend once. He didn’t even speak to me. He has a history of cheating on her and drug abuse. I trust my sister in law but don’t trust her boyfriend. I would much prefer that my son didn’t spend the night. Not that he couldn’t go for the day, just not stay the whole night. Well now I’m a horrible person according to my boyfriend and he’s threatening to have his mom not watch my son so I can go to work. Y’all I don’t feel I made an unreasonable request. And honestly I didn’t even say he couldn’t spend the night I just said I’d much rather he didn’t.