Feel so bad for my kids, they have a shit dad 😞


A little background: left my ex husband about 11 years ago, he's been in and out of our kids lives (they are 17 and 13 now). My 17 yo son decided to end contact with his dad last year after his dad screamed at him in front of lots of parents and other kids at school conferences. Calling him a fucking loser who will never amount to anything because he was struggling in school. My 13 yo son (Gavin) has continued to see his dad occasional weekends. But he just got back from a 6 day road trip to Florida from Minnesota. They left Sunday and got back today.

Here are some of the text messages I got while he was gone...

PS Karol is his dad's girlfriend and Aria is his dad and Karols 20 month old baby.

Update at bottom...

From their last day of the trip:

For those of you who dont seem to understand what kind of "dad" he is, here's an example.. these are parts of an order for protection I'd gotten against him and the end summary of a guardian ad litem report. When I use the word ABUSE, I'm not using it lightly! Sorry I can't find words of encouragement when my son is telling me his dad is being verbally and emotionally abusive!

Text messages between my ex and I after my son came home telling me that his dad was telling him that I'd lied to everyone and told them that he abused me when he didn't (I'd never talked to my kids about this):

So for anyone who wants to say I talk shit about his dad, what I said is NOTHING compared to what he's said to my kids about me. Sadly my older son who was about 6 by the time I finally left my ex remembers some of it and told him brother their dad is the one lying. My ex would be stupid as fuck to try to bring this mess back to court! These texts started with my ex saying he only wanted to take our younger son for a weekend, not our older son who had not yet decided to stop contact with his dad.