Wic question

I was getting 9 cans of formula a month before I had her 4 month appointment. So I mentioned that I am only giving her one bottle a day and the rest I pump breastmilk so I asked if that changes thing with getting more food and she said yes.. well it didn’t all that changed was getting 1 can of formula for a month instead

So I am still receiving 1 carton of eggs,2 gallon milk, 16 oz cheese, 32oz cereal, and $11 worth of fruits/veggies .. I was receiving that while I was pregnant so nothing changed. I thought it would go up because you can give them food at 4 months

So I wanted to know what others were getting when they had a 4 month old and when you started receiving baby food

Also today I went to the store to buy bread and they took it off. I don’t understand why I have been having so many problems 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s just frustrating