My extremely long birth story. February 15th❤️
Sorry I have to post this in parts because it was too long 🙄 so this is part 1
I am finally getting to posting my birth story/life as a new mom. These last few weeks have definitely been exhausting but the best weeks of my life❤️ My baby boy is currently asleep on my chest and to be honest I’ve been so wrapped up in taking care of him that I forgot about this app that I spent everyday on during my pregnancy 😂 It’s so awesome to see everyone in the February 2020 babies group had their babies😭❤️ So so happy for everyone. Just a warning, this post is going to be super long. I want to be able to look back at this and remember these details as well and I know that I personally love reading the long birth stories and the whole process 😇So I hope if you read this you enjoy.
My due date was February 9th and the week before at one of my weekly appointments I decided I wanted to schedule my induction Incase he wasn’t here by his due date so we scheduled my induction for Feb 14th at 5am. Of course my due date came and went.. I was hurting so much from the pressure on my vag and back pain. I was 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced the week before my due date... I always had Braxton hicks especially towards the end of my pregnancy. Sounds crazy but I always hoped to start having painful contractions but it never happened. I even ordered one of those balls to bounce on from amazon, did squats but nothing helped. Everyone always said sex but after I was dilated my boyfriend and I just weren’t comfortable with having sex so we didn’t try it those last two weeks I was pregnant. Well anyways Thursday the 13th came around and it was my last baby appointment before my scheduled induction the next day. At this point they said I was 2 centimeters and 80% effaced. They went over instructions with me and gave me some papers I’d need for the next day. I was soo excited and couldn’t believe my baby would be here on valentines day(I thought). My boyfriend was able to get that Friday off of work for the induction and it was perfect because the following Monday was Presidents’ Day so he had 4 days to be home.( He just started a new job so doesn’t get paid leave) We woke up around 4am Friday morning getting ready and getting everything set in our hospital bags. I was in the shower when the hospital called and said they were extremely busy and had no beds available and they’d call me back around 7 or 8am. I was so bummed out but my boyfriend was more than happy to go back to bed for a few hours 😂 I was only relived because I had more time to take my time in the shower and shave everything 🥴 So I relaxed the next couple of hours anxiously waiting for my phone to ring so we’d know when to head to the hospital. 8am came and went still no phone call... I waited and waited super annoyed and anxious lol so noon came and they still hadn’t called so I decided to call them and see if they had a good idea of when I’d be able to come in. Also I was instructed to not eat anything heavy prior to coming so all I’d had to eat was a granola bar and I was starving so I really wanted to know if I could have an actual meal😂 So I got ahold of them and they said they were still extremely busy and that I could go ahead and eat a bigger meal and they said they would call me in around 2 🙄 So I decided to go to the mall with my mom to do some walking/shopping and I was craving mall pretzels so I pigged out on those 😂 Well of course 2 o’clock came and they hadn’t called so we decided to get pedicures and it was about 8 o’clock when I got back home. I was so annoyed that I hadn’t heard from the hospital yet just so many nerves/excitement and I thought I would have had my baby boy by then😭 I just relaxed and watched tv with my boyfriend and at 10pm they finally called us and said to come in an hour! So we got everything around and headed to the hospital 😌 We got checked in and settled and a nurse came in to draw some blood. I never have had a hard time with getting blood drawn I actually like watching it happen🤣 Well apparently the lady doing it hit a nerve or something and she kept asking if I felt any stinging in my arm and I said no. All of a sudden my other arm that she hadn’t even touched went numb and I told her and I could tell she was starting to panick. I started getting really hot and light head. I remember my boyfriend looked really worried. She laid my bed back and before I knew it there were at least 5 different doctors or nurses in the room and I couldn’t see anything. I truly thought I was dying 😂 super dramatic but I hadn’t ever had an experience like that with an IV. They put a cold washcloth on my head, gave me oxygen and brought in one of those little fans and hooked it on my bed and I started to come back. I felt so relieved and there were so many faces in there asking if I was okay 😂 Turn out I had something called a vagal response. Anyways a different nurse came into draw my blood from my other arm and it all went fine. Just a really scary start to my hospital stay😂... so they started the Pitocin and my nurse came in every hour to up it. I didn’t start feeling any pain until about 5am and that’s when my OB came in to break my water. I was so scared to have my water broken but it wasn’t bad at all. It looked like they just used a hook and all of a sudden I felt a ton of warm liquid gushing out of me. I felt so so gross just laying in it🥴 So my mom, sister and boyfriend were all there and stayed with me that first night and every time I talked or moved I felt a big gush come out of me 😂 It wasn’t long after my water broke that the contractions started getting super intense. I kind of lost track of time at this point because of the pain. I knew I wanted to epidural but I didn’t want to get it too soon because I’d heard so many stories of it not working from getting it too soon.
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