How can my husband and I save for a house while paying rent and bills/debt?

We have a 1.5 year old and I’m pregnant with our second. We’re so stressed about not owning our own house. We currently rent and our rent is as much as our mortgage would be if we owned a home so it’s very frustrating.

We also are behind in bills so we’ve been trying to catch up on that.

I need some ideas of how we can really budget/save and not spend money on stupid things - we tend to eat out because it’s convenient - whenever I do make dinner it takes me a long time to make it so there’s a lot of standing around in the kitchen and with a toddler it’s just not working. I need ideas of quick easy and cheap meals if possible.

Also any side income or at home job ideas would help also!!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We feel like we’re never going to buy a house with the prices going up 😭 tbh sometimes I cry about it because I have people telling me all the time “you need to buy a house” it’s all I want!!!