Hating pregnancy


I feel so bad for saying this... I’m 8 weeks pregnant and I am really not enjoying it. It’s effecting my ability to work, my ability to study, and overall my ability to live my life the way I used to. I am nauseous all the time, any food makes me sick and only about once a day can I eat without vomiting again!

I’ve had 3 previous losses and I really want this baby but it’s putting a huge strain on me, and also a huge strain on my marriage. My husband doesn’t understand, he didn’t with any of the others when I was sick either- but the one thing I normally do to feel better when I’m down is exercise, and my doctor has told me not to be vigorous and not to lift weights- and I’m jealous of my husband that he still can.

I know this is a blessing and I should be grateful but I’m really having trouble feeling it right now. I want to curl up in a ball and cry all day. :(