Finally TTC Baby Number 2!! 😄♥️

Brienna • Momma of one perfect little man. 💙 Baby number 2 coming 2022 🤰🏻🥰

Just got my IUD removed today!! Our son is 2 years old and this is the conversation we had yesterday.

Me: “Do you want mommy and daddy to have another baby?”

Him: “Yes please!!”

Me: “Would you like to have a sister or a brother?”

Him: “Sister!”

Me: “Well what if it’s a boy? Is that okay too?”

Him: “Duhhh!! Boy, girl. Run! Hugs! Play ball! Kisses!”

He’s just excited to have a playmate and another person to share love with! 🥰

Praying that we conceive a little brother or sister for this sweet boy soon!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼