What would your approach be?

My son has a doctor appointment in 2 days. He is 11 months old and sleeps an average of 4-6 hours a night. Very broken sleep. And 1 nap a day if I'm lucky that is between 10-30 minutes. It's been this way for a few months after a big lifestyle change.

I'm pretty sure the doctor is going to prescribe melatonin. I have many issues with it, but mainly, it's not getting to the core of the problem. It can also come with a slew of issues that I'm quite scared of and seem counter productive.

Its hardly been tested on babies or toddlers, only adults.

It can cause vivid dreams and nightmares as well as mess with their sleep cycle permanently.

Can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

It's also being looked into now for infertility problems later in life.

All this with no scientific proof that it helps with sleep.

I'm convinced son has anxiety (not just separation) after being kicked out of 3 daycares for it and being told the same thing by all three. He scratches so badly when he is stressed. Rips his skin and draws blood. I used to think it was because of an allergy, but I have paid more attention. It's only when he is stressed. I'm sure his lack of sleep isn't helping.

So here is where my dilemma is, should I push to help his anxiety in the assumption that sleep will follow once I know why he is so stressed and how to help him? What does that even look like for an 11 month old? What can they do for anxiety? Or do I give him melatonin in hopes that it's his sleep causing the anxiety?

I'd also like to add he has a lot of allergies that I know of so far and I have an allergist appointment set up to find out exactly what else there is. So I know that has to be bothering him. That paired with our split from his father and moving to a new place, plus lack of sleep could be adding to it.

Sorry for the novel, just truly not sure where to go with this. I'm starting to worry his lack of sleep is going to damage him developmentally, I've got to get a handle on it.

What would your approach be?