Her dad is keeping her away from me.

I’m in serious need it help.

I am a 23 year old who had a 3 year old with a 38 year old. Her dad is a psychopath and he has anger issues, hence why we’re not together. I sent him off to jail the last time I lived at his house because he was mad over a blocked number I had saved this guy over a girls name. I had him blocked for months and he was upset that I had him under a woman’s name. He grabbed me and shoved me, and kicked me out. While my daughter was still inside the house asleep. I called the cops, explained and put him in jail. He bailed out that same day. And we tried to reconcile but I was just not feeling it anymore. He would beg me to come back home until recently, we have been getting into arguments and now he’s keeping my daughter away from me. He took her last night and we agreed on her coming home this morning, she still isn’t here. I’ve called everyone including our social worker and she said I would not be able to take her because he is on her birth certificate and at his house. All day he’s done nothing but talked crap to me, say awful things, says I’m a bad mother and I won’t see my daughter unless I write and sign this plan he’s made up which includes:

“You write the plan. We need two copies. You keep her two days on two days off. Starting tomorrow 2-3-2020, being your turn. Pick ups by parent who’s turn it is to have her. No one is to watch her other than you or I without the other parents consent. She will be in a car seat securely fastened whenever she is in any vehicle. She will not sleep in any bed, other than her own, and never with any adult other than her mom and dad.”

I said I would not sign this paper nor write it because I didn’t trust him and feel Uncomfortable so we will have to do this through court. I’m going tomorrow morning to file for custody. I live with my family and it’s a lot of us here so I’m really scared. Someone said when social worker comes it shouldn’t matter how many people live here, they just want to see it it’s safe and she has somewhere to sleep. Im scared he’s going to take my daughter away and have more rights than me. He gets paid well, he rents a house, he has a Bentley and a g wagon and I have nothing. I work for Nordstrom and that’s all. He was charged for domestic violence and I dropped the chargers due to the fact that he sweet talked me into doing it. I don’t know why I’m so stupid. But now it’s costing me my daughter and I’m going crazy. I don’t know when I’ll be able to see her. But I need serious help.

I don’t live in the best area so he says it’s not safe for her. He’s never had any issue with my family watching her but not he’s saying no one can watch her if we’ll be here unless it’s him or I. He says he loves my family but they don’t take care of the kids but there’s so many kids here and yet noting has happened to them. He wants me to sign this paper so he can take it to court and say we have agreed to this but I don’t agree to it. Im really lost without my daughter right now. Please help me.