Marriage is bs I'd rather be a baby momma

Let me vent I been going through some shit for the past two years. My title is how I'm feeling may not change tomorrow, next week, next month I'm really going through it.

Basically my husband and I have 6 kids together we've been together since we were 16 we've been married for three years. Most of our relationship was long distance I was raised in a military household but that didn't keep me from him and vice versa I still had family in my hometown so everything worked out especially when I got pregnant at 19. Fast forward to the present day my issues with my husband is he feels like he goes to work so he can come home kick back, put his feet up and play the game all night same goes for the weekend. He recently threw a fit when our oldest wanted to go with us to Target he said he needed a break from the kids he didn't want to go if our son went so I stayed home with our son while him and his sister went together. I could have a baby on my hip while cooking a full course meal and cleaning as I go he'll still call me to change our toddler's diaper when he's right there doing nothing. I work also yet I keep a clean house, the best meals ever, etc. I'm the heart and soul of my household but I've become overwhelmed my husband doesn't help like he should. It's like 99/1 not even 80/20.

Our toddler has a stomach bug he keeps puking after every meal so I started giving him sips of juice or water, small bites of crackers to help him. I walk alway to clean his clothes that he puked on him and resume cooking. I look up my husband is feeding him chocolate cake I warn him not to do it but he's a man he doesn't listen not even 5 secs later my son throws up my husband half cleans the mess then resumes his game our son goes on to throw up three more times guess who had to thoroughly clean that up. We have carpet I was raised in a military family my momma didn't play that. Once again I have to stop all the many chores I'm doing to clean up some mess right at my husband's feet.

Why did I marry him? For love. Yes I know now that's not enough. Things were much more simpler when were unmarried and living apart. I want that back and I'm willing to do what's necessary to make that happen. Send the man back to his momma that's the only woman who should put up with this nonsense. I'm tired of fighting myself, compromising and all that other bullshit that comes with relationships for once I want to pack my stuff and leave.

Let's see how single fatherhood looks on you sir. He's very selfish and stuck in his ways as long as I stay here being a devoted wife that wont change. This ain't the 1950s anymore!!!