Membrane sweep?


If you had a membrane sweep, how successful was it for you to get labor started? Long story short I went to L&D today for pain after a fall and I was told I’m 2cm still but I’m 20% effaced now. I know it’s not alot but it’s progress. And best news is my baby is no longer breech, she’s head down so I can consider a vbac delivery!!!! I was set on a repeat c section only because I will be tying my tubes so I thought it would be an easier solution while I was open. The dr told me I would go in 1 day postpartum and just have a small Incision under my belly button if I did my tubes after a natural delivery. It would be a easier and quicker recovery then c section. So I’ve changed my mind and I’m all for it. I asked about getting a membrane sweep since I see women mention it all the time on here and she said I can definitely ask for it. She said after 37weeks is ok, and I will be 37+5 when I see my dr this Thurs. I just want to try starting labor on my own but if not I will be getting induced still on March 17! Wish me luck mamas I’m soooo happy I get to try vbac