SOS - Is my bf not attracted to me?


So I need help! I’ve been with the same guy for 10 years, we met in med school and the first few years he was a real prince, as school got harder, he was having a hard time adjusting emotionally to being so busy so I changed from being an all day texter, to giving him space cause he asked that I not pressure him to talk all the time.

Sex was never an issue and we would be great in that department. But after we were done with school, he started to become more distant, more preoccupied with our plans (we moved to Europe after graduation) so I took it as him being just overwhelmed and busy.

Ever since we moved here, he has become like this old person, who is always tired and bitter. Sex is the last thing on his mind and it’s been a couple of years that we go 1-2 months without having sex, and he pulls away from me whenever I try to touch him even non sexually claiming he is “ticklish” and basically we only touch/make out/ have sex when he wants it, The rest of the time is just hand holding and pecks.

So yesterday I was horny af and it’s been 4 months since the last time we slept together, so I got all cute, put on some sexy lingerie and waited for him at home after work, we always wait for each other to eat so it was 4 pm and we hadn’t had lunch but I figured, we’d just eat after.

He got home and was like “ooooohhh cute”, gave me a hug, and ran in the kitchen looking for food, so I got the message, and felt kind of embarrassed to be walking around the kitchen in red underwear so I changed into regular clothes. He made no comment on the matter at all, we ate lunch, he was watching tv like a regular day, talking about bills and such. Then he went into the room and I did too, we usually lay down and talk about our day and what not but I figured there was the whole I waited for you in lingerie thing hangin in the air and we’d get to it eventually. I had music on and stuff and he fell asleep... for 3 hours! So I went about my life did a few things until he woke up and I went back in the room, I had my body all up against him and he’d put his head in the pillow, I felt fucking retarded so I went in the living room. He came out, ate some chips and watched tv, and this whole time I was like WOW, am I even here?

Then he sat on his desk and was about to start his work and I felt like I was going to explode,so I did.. I didn’t yell, but I was clear “I don’t need us to be just friends, I need more and I’m done” it was longer than that but I’ve already taken way too much time writing all of this. Long story short, we broke up.

Am I crazy? I know he can be tired and I’m a doctor too so I am also tired chronically, but I find it important to feel wanted and seen, and I feel invisible. What do you guys think??