Urgent Support Needed

So I’ve recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism and Cysts on my Ovary at 44 years old. I’ve put on a good 5 stone in 2 years and it’s destroying my life. I used to be Uber active, gym, running, cycling, weights, insanity all at the same time to maintain a nice weight. Presently I’m just trying to cope each day with the pain and medication, which causes 101 side affects all of which are unpleasant. I have 3 jobs, a house to run and a boyfriend who I only see once a week because he is always saying I am ‘fat’ and he is struggling with my weight now. I am extremely low and can feel myself getting more and more depressed and reclusive. Due to work I have no friends to talk to or see locally and no family, life is hard. Can anyone help me with my diet, I’ve tried salads, no sugar, starving and juicing but always get so tired and zapped of energy I give in and return to carbs. I haven’t had children and am not a lazy person, so why is this soooo hard. 😢