

I am 26 years old, and currently pregnant with my 4th (and last) child. After my first pregnancy, I went on the Mirena IUD for 2 1/2 years, and loved it; I had no periods after about 3 months of adjusting. Then, I found out I was pregnant, which ended in an ectopic pregnancy (took methotrexate) and removed the mirena. I got pregnant about 2 months after my ectopic, and by the time I decided I was ready to go back on birth control at my 6 weeks checkup, I was told I was already pregnant 😳 so after my 3rd daughter, I went on the Skyla IUD for about 3 months, before having it removed because I bled everyday, heavily, for the entire 3 months I was on it! So, my fiancé and I just decided to pull out, which worked for us for 3 years, until we found out I was pregnant with my 4th! Now, I’m on a anti-seizure medication, so I was told that it may lower the effectiveness of any BC I may take, or even the effectiveness of my meds, so I’m wanting to get a tubal, but have read so many horror stories about women regretting it, because their periods are heavy and/or painful. I am anemic and stiffer terribly from migraines, so I don’t want this to add to it. What are your experiences with it?