Just had pp 4 wk check - my vag is child size and needs surgery


He said my opening is smaller than one finger and my canal barley can take one finger and it bled and hurt a lot.

I had an emergency c section.

Not vaginal delivery.

He said if we had done vaginal we would of had insane taring.

And he can order special silicon incisors for my opening and canal to wear to stretch me out to be able to have sex.

Or he can give me an intense surgery to reconstruct the size of my canal and opening.

I’m 25 yrs old and I’m a pretty small chick. But this ain’t the first time I’ve been told I’m child size down there.

My last ob told me I should get a diff partner lol. One who fits my small size.

Instead I married a giant 264 lb 6 ft viking personal trainer.

Every time we have sex it hurts but also feels good but afterwards hurts a lot.

I always though this was normal for woman who have husbands who are on the larger endowed size.

Meaning he is not at all in the average category. And I’m in extra small category.

They did a pap today and used the kid speculum on me like always.

And it still hurt.

Would you A. Get the surgery ?

B. Get the silicone incisors ?

Or C. Not have sex ?

And do other stuff.

Also after having a baby.. it hurts like hills worse that it did before maybe I was used to the pain or something cuz no even one finger hurts and I’m already crawling away from him.