My parents and in-laws are not supportive of ttc... my husband and I want to, but the pressure of not having support is awful. Advice?


I’m 26, DH is 27, and we have 1 son (2.5 yo). We’ve been together for 5 years, and friends for almost 10. We are happy and healthy and got married almost a year ago. We’ve both been wanting another baby since then, but our parents are against it because I’m in school full time and working (RN program and I work in a big local hospital as a paid student nurse). My husband is going through an electrician program. I graduated with my bachelors in May 2019, and I graduate from this nursing program in 2021.

They want us to wait, but I feel like it’s never the “right” time to have a baby. If we had waited, #1 wouldn’t be here yet lol. Once I graduate, I will be in a new grad job training program, and then starting my career. That seems like a worse time to ttc... plus I’ll be almost 30.

I really truly feel like we could handle baby #2. We had baby #1 while I was in school and I graduated top of my class.... I just wish that we could be open with our families about ttc instead of feeling like it’s a dirty little secret... needing some encouragement..