Sometimes I feel like a single mom...

Totally feel terrible for this but now that I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids under 2 it doesnt pay for me to work. Daycare in NY is way too expensive to even think about with the salary i was bringing home....

That being said i am with the boys all day and my husband is at work. I know he works hard and does everything to provide for us... but sometimes i just feel like its just me. He comes home from work takes a shower eats dinner then plays with our oldest for a bit then its bedtime.

I am not trying to complain or be ungrateful for being able to stay home but it just feels like I do everything with the boys myself with no inout from hubby. I mentionee this to him once and he became upset bc he doesnt want that to happen. His dad worked all the time and never made time for him and he doesnt want that to happen.

Sorry just needed to vent in a place where some people may understand....