Not sure if wrong group or not but I’m need of advice !!

So me and best friend have been feiends for 5+ years she fell pregnant last year I didn’t have the exact reaction she was looking for but I was struggling with a loss that she didn’t know about at the time and I explained that to her eventulley but I was really supportive of her I would buy her little girl stuff still went to her baby shower while others didn’t turn up and came to hosptial day after to see them both ( after asking of course ) and a week later came to see if she needed anything and would always ask how she is and how the baby is bare in mind we class each other as family

Anyway I’m pregnant now her little girl is 10 months and I love her obviously but my friend seems to always talk about her and never wants to know my plans with my baby or asks how I am we was talking about the gender reveal that I’m doing and she said not to work around anyone else if they can’t make it and I said it probably be in the week and straight away “ well I can’t go il be at work “ knowing full well she works same hours as my partner and it would be on a evening if I’m feeling down or just want to vent she changes the convo to her little girl , she will look at my messages if I talk about my plans for when babies here and ignore them ! Then day after message me about her little girl Iv talked to my partner about this and he dosnt want to know shes really my only friend ( sad I do have friends but not close friends ) and I have no Litterally no one to complain to I can’t talk to her about this cause she gets really emotional about it or angry lately I can’t tell , I do a lot for her like lend her money and I do get it back but if I’m need she dosnt even offer and expects me to work it out myself Monday I had spotting and went to midwife Tuesday I told her about it and she hasn’t asked how I am or if its got better since or if baby was okay and it’s just really starting to annoy me and get me down I am more than fine talking about her and her problems ( we do ALOT ) but she always changes the subject to her ow her little girl now and I feel like I’m alone and she’s not supporting me at all

Just need some advice on how to deal with this my partner is best friends with her partner too were kind of like a big family but since they had their little girl we barley see them ( come down to ours or vice Versa) we don’t do stuff that involves money as we know they can’t afford it so I don’t want to do anything that could possibly affect my partners relationship with him either and I’m stuck in a massive pickle cause it’s really getting to me now ( I do not want to talk about me all the time it would just be nice to have her listen to me and talk about “ how excited we both are “ like o was with her instead of always changing the topic like I’m not pregnant )