Alright y’all idk what to do

Okay back story me and my ex that dated for three years (broke up back in 2016) obviously are around each other because we have a kid together, well we did have a falling out in went with no communication but got back in touch in 2018 NOT romantically just to me forward with coparenting our child, we took that time with no communication because at the time we were extremely toxic. But anyways, he shortly after started dating a girl he was friends with, then a few months into their relationship she started messaging me on Facebook being nice then it went from that to her trying to be my friend.

At first I honestly just kinda pretended I didn’t see the messages and then I’d kind of just reply to her in short responses. But then we did start talking and eventually went from friends to best friends and hang out all the time 24/7 which meant 95% of the time when we hang out I’m also hanging out at my baby daddy’s house. Keep in mind we would barely even talk really.

Well I started babysitting his other child (he had another baby with another girl in 2017) anyways that girl was neglecting the baby, let him starve for three days, had him living in horrible conditions, and my ex stepped in and took him. (Don’t worry he’s taking her to fourth for custody) but anyways I started babysitting him at his house, I still live with my parents as does he (we’re 20 and 21, gf is 18) but my stepdad didn’t want me babysitting at home so he decided to just let me come to his house during the days I was babysitting and watch him there. It’s great because my son gets to spend more time with his brother, and I just hate being home so it gives me something to do and keeps me busy. Plus I don’t mind helping him out especially when it comes to keeping a child out of the conditions he was in, I’m literally the only person who could watch him because I don’t work, and he really can’t afford daycare right now.

So at first my friend/his girlfriend was cool with it.

But then she started overthinking it and has just started getting mad at the stupidest stuff at us both. And it sucks because she’s a really great friend when she wants to be but when anything comes up that’s about my BD she treats me like I’m nothing but his ex and kids mom, not her friend. It hurts my feelings, I only want to help him.

I’ve told her time and time again I don’t want him, I don’t care for him, like no, me and him are never happening.

She keeps starting petty fights with us both and I’m afraid it’s not only going to ruin our friendship but mine and his coparenting relationship (which is amazing rn.)

Keep in mind they broke up in December and she still stays at his house and acts like their a couple, but had also started talking to another guy that was her ex in January (like I’m talking going to his house and staying for hours after work, I caught her with hickeys from him but I didn’t say anything to anybody because it wasn’t my business and I didn’t want to be involved) they talked for 2 months, that guy thought they were more and she was stringing him along until my baby daddy found out from one of his friends that had seen her out with the dude and confronted her about it, she continued talking to the guy for a few more weeks then at one point even told some girl who asked about her and that dude that they were dating.

But she did eventually quit talking to him.

^^ I feel like the reason she keeps coming up with these crazy ass scenarios between me and my ex is because she was actually the one doing something wrong and now feels guilty and trying to flip it around.

I want out of the friendship but at the same time I really do love her, I have a hard time letting people in and opening up, she’s the first person in four years I’ve been able to do that with and it just hurts.