Allergy help!


What allergy medicine is most effective for you? I had my baby last May and since then My shellfish allergy has broadened to all seafood. prior I was moderately allergic to shellfish and now it’s anything from the water, fish and shellfish....only moderate reactions thankfully since I didn’t know and ate a huge helping of fish. And within two hours my whole face from the nose down was swelling and patchy. Had about 5 other instances in the past year so I just stopped seafood altogether. 😓 Now it seasonal allergies...🙄 once when I was a teenager I spent two weeks in NC for spring break and was miserable. The past 6 weeks have been terrible for me, my eyes are so itchy I want to claw them out, my nose is always sniffly and I am sneezing 24/7. This is not COVID19 so please don’t give me heat for it. I live in northern Virginia and it’s cherry blossom season 🌸🌸🌸 staying indoors exclusively isn’t an option, I have to walk my dogs. I have altered our routine and let them go along the unoccupied woods behind our home so I am not doing a 30min walk. I’ve sealed our home and constantly wipe surfaces and dust to minimize pollen and more importantly germs. Eye drops where an amazing relief but can’t get the sniffling and sneezing under control. Benadryl sucked and Claritin isn’t really doing it either, like maybe a 5 out of 10. I really want something non drowsy since I tried Benadryl and it didn’t relive the sneezing but def knocked me out. I’d really like some advice on what meds to try next in this allergy journey since they are expensive and I don’t want a medicine cabinet full of half used items....What is the most effective allergy medicine that you’ve used?