My son is going to force us to starve

With school being out, kids are stuck at home. I’m a working mom and my son is 11. I go home on lunch to check on him and I have cameras throughout the house to check on him as well.

Since this virus broke out and all of the stores are empty, we made due with what we had and I was able to get a little bit more groceries. With my son being home and not able to go outside, he’s just sitting in the house eating all of the food. I get it, he’s bored and he’s a growing boy so he’s always hungry but we have told him how important it is that he needs to watch how much he eats because he’s going to eat it all and leave nothing left and we will all end up starving because the stores aren’t staying stocked enough for us to get more food.

He’s still not getting it and he’s continuing to just eat and eat. I’m worried we will run out.

How do I get it through to him that he needs to ration? I’m so worried with his constant eating that we will run out! 😩😩