Coronavirus pandemic lost my fiancé his new job.

I’m so gutted for my fiancé

We never get any luck or a break when it comes to money and my fiancé decided to look for another job even though he loves where he works. He done it because we desperately need more money to be able to become financially stable and rent a home.

He found an amazing job that pays £11,000 more then he is currently on. He would be getting £38,000 a year which would be life changing, finally we would be able to pay off some debts and rent our own home and move out of parents where we live with 2 kids.

But today he got a call from the new company saying due to the pandemic they are retracting their job offers and not taking anyone on. 😭

He has already handing in his notice and he asked his current employer if he could retract his notice and they were unsure due to pandemic.

Now it looks like he is going to be unemployed, my maternity pay finishes this month and I’m pretty sure I won’t have a job to return to either.

How has this happened? We were supposed to be getting our shot at luck, our chance to make a life for our kids now we are both looking at being unemployed. 😩 I just needed somewhere I could vent and cry a little