TTC fertile days


Please no judgement. Just looking for advice.

Feeling pretty dumb after talking to my doctor today. Was supposed to have an OBGYN appt tomorrow to discuss why we’re not getting pregnant but of course they’re canceling all appts bc of COVID19. Anyway dr called me and asked me when we’re having sex and I told her when I thought my fertile window was. The few days leading up to my ovulation day. She says oh you’re doing it BEFORE? You are fertile after. So confused because i thought the egg drops with ovulation and then your window closes after a couple days. She says I’m starting to try too early. And I should contour every other day after my peak day for a week or so

I.e. I saw her on 12/26 after ovulating on 12/24 or something. She told me to keep going EOD until 12/30. This month my peak was 3/17. She said I shouldn’t have started trying until 3/15 and to keep doing it EOD from today forward i forget how many days.

Would like to hear others Thoughts and methods. we’ve been trying for a year so she’s going to initiate testing to see what’s going on. Maybe this month will be my month and i won’t need it.