Coughs & congestion

Me and my 5 month old both have coughs that started up yesterday (more so this morning for the little one).

Neither of us have a fever though and I’m quite congested (my other half is congested too) and after some of the symptom charts I’ve seen I think we can confidently consider this to be a cold (we started self isolating as soon as I started to feel a bit off though just given all that’s happening - my OH has been working from home anyway).

My only concern that makes me worry about coronavirus is I took some grocery’s to my grans house on Tuesday.

I spoke to my gran this morning and she’s got the same as me and my daughter (cough and congestion). And I then found out she had seen 2 of her sisters together the day before (Monday) one of whom works in our local hospital where there have been confirmed cases of coronavirus and sadly a small number of deaths. Not sure if either of my great aunts are sick at the moment. Either way we haven’t been out anyway since Tuesday before I started feeling ill Thursday so I think the chances of us passing it on (apart from in our own house) are pretty slim.

As we’re all congested though what is the likelihood this is just a cold? We can’t get tested unless we experience breathing difficulties so it’s not a simple as asking for a test.

I’m trying not to worry as I’ve already had a terrible time with PPD and anxiety but now I am starting to worry (not so much for us, but for my gran and other older relatives or my great grandparents in case my aunts have seen them).