Pregnant and still working?

Anyone pregnant and still going to work?

I’m 25 weeks today and in NJ, where this virus is really starting to rev up. There is a nightly curfew in effect, gatherings of more than 10 are banned, schools are closed and all non-essential business is closed. I am a public employee and considered essential (not healthcare, I’m in administrative work) so I am continuing to go into the office. We are down to about 10 people. The governor enacted legislation that if you are a state worker and your child’s school is closed due to coronavirus you can stay home with them without needing to take time. I’m making use of that 3 days a week because my husband works from home with our toddler the other two days and everyone in my office knows that and I didn’t want to take advantage. I don’t want to be that “one” who doesn’t show up or who can’t be reliable. Today a supervisor (not my direct supervisor) basically asked me wtf I’m doing here and suggested maybe getting a doctors note (which I didn’t even know was an option until now).

My husband and family are worried about me being at work still but I can’t help but worry about the optics of me being out. Would you continue to work or get the note? Thoughts?