Feeling really down

So basically due to this corona virus shit I lost my job today. Yes, it is a big deal for me because I just started working finally after getting rejected so many many maaaany times (6 months unemployed without any financial support because I'm not entitled to it for some reason). I was on sick leave this week because I worked with around 2000 people and I didn't want to go to work with these circumstances. My mom also works at this firm and she's at higher position and she assured me that I may get my job back when everything cools down, but I honestly just lost any hope for my life because it always goes in the wrong direction. I'm crying the whole day on my couch watching series and I can't call my bestfriend because she's in isolation and doesn't have any Wifi or service, so I'm going to rant here. Why does my life always go bad, I really wanted to start trying for children after summer with my SO, but guess what I'm not gonna do that if I don't have a job to provide for my family and I'm heartbroken, I've never wanted anything big, never asked for much just for a good paying job (which I had and I pray to God that I get it back once everything with this corona shit cools down) and for healthy relationship and for a child. I honestly feel so betrayed from life that I just want to end it rn, I'm totally heartbroken and with 0 energy to do anything in life anymore. I just don't understand what I did wrong to have such a shitty life.