How I’m feeling

I know everyone is tired of hearing the same old thing but I just can’t help but feel so much anxiety about this virus, it’s off and on sometimes I feel okay but then some nights I wake up terrified about what could happen to those i love. I’m 20 years old I’ve lived on my own  sense is was 18 it’s just me and my boyfriend and our two dog’s we were lucky enough to get the supplies we need for 2 weeks if quarantined but I worry for those who don’t have anything I worry about my grandma who is homeless and is too stubborn to stay with me I worry if I get sick and won’t be able to recover because I am a smoker. one minute I’m fine planing things for the future watching funny shows and the next I’m scrolling down Facebook or getting news updates of the skyrocketing death rates and seeing how fast this is spreading, seeing how so many people are losing their jobs how everything is shutting down it truly makes me sick to my stomach I guess what I’m trying to get to is please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way please share any tips to help me deal with this better thanks for listening love you laddies !