So, what do we think?


It seems like any posts that mention the stock dump of senators Burr and Loeffler that occurred after their briefing on Covid-19 on January 24th, while they and Trump were busy reassuring the nation this was under control and there was no problem, are being removed by Glow. Let’s see if this one sticks. It seems like there was an intentional delay of action on the part of the US government to delay the market crash so they could maneuver and leverage their assets into a more profitable position. I couldn’t understand why this delay was occurring and why the government had refused WHO tests. I thought it was an attempt to monetize the testing. Why else would he direct the states not to use their resources to make their own tests when they asked if they could be allowed to do so, as they were able to do this. I now think Trump behaved in this manner, downplaying and minimizing intentionally, manipulating the public and his base by using words like hoax, so that his associates could use our biggest asset, time, for themselves, to protect their own financial interests. On the day Burr told his wealthy constituents that they should consider the enormous impact of what was coming and behave accordingly, Trump told the world coronavirus would just “disappear one day” and it would be “like a miracle”. Burr himself, in his public statements, expressed there was no concern and the US was prepared for this issue.