Childish people

MommaOf1👧🏻 • 👧🏼 1-1-17💜💕 👼🏻
Alive noticed that a lot of people that use this app are very childish and immature people. I'm gnna state my opinion and it's how I feel so if you are going to respond at least YOU be mature with your response so that this post won't apply to you. People on here that post about they are possibly pregnant and don't want to be pregnant. 1 don't put yourself in the position. 2 I understand if you are for serious reason like rape or incest I understand that but don't sit here and try to get a pitty party out of people because YOU and only YOU make the mistake to be irresponsible. Another thing is people promoting teen pregnancy or teens getting pregnant and thinking they are old enough or ready. Yes you can be in a great and stable relationship but if you don't have a good paying job to support the baby and yourself then you are not ready. And for the people who tell these younger girls like 14, 15 or even 13 year olds that it's okay to be that young to be pregnant you should be ashamed. These young girls yea may grow up to have great and successful lives like most women I've seen post on here that have had children young and I applaud you for it, the the young girls that don't even have a life set yet are pregnant with boys that probably will leave and parents that will probably be taking care of these babies. I am not trying to say these girls get rid of their children I'm just saying don't encourage a hard life on a 14 year old. Even grown adults have a hard time with raising a baby or not even mature enough for a baby. You women nigh or might not agree with my opinion this is what I believe I'm not saying your opinions are wrong just maybe not what I would say but my rants over.