Anyone here with same situation 😊

if anyone has had the same situation please comment,

As I would love to hear your situation and outcomes 😊

.. ....Here's my story.. ......

I have a regular 29 day cycle

(I normally ovulate anywhere from cycle day 15-18)

This cycle I've had....

Lots of ewcm on cycle day 20

( around mid lunchtime)

Cycle day 21 positive opk

(tested after 1pm)

Cycle day 22 positive opk + cramps

(I ovulated late this cycle,so I'm very aware my period will be late as well)

I'm currently on cycle day 30

Feeling little nausea


And mild af symptoms on and off

I'm continuing to question myself on why I would be feeling little crampy now

Knowing my af isn't due till at least another 5 days away

(being I ovulated late)

Could it be becouse I was originally due for aunt flow yesterday

Ttc almost 2 years after ectopic

(no tube removal