Daily check in 3/21

Whitney • DS 💙 2/17/17

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the child You are giving me. Thank you for this awesome miracle of new life. You are the only one who knows my baby right now and I ask You to bless my baby with good health and with love. Lord, please help me feel well physically, and take away any morning sickness or other hardships that may make it hard for me to concentrate on You and this gift You are giving me. I pray against miscarriage, Jesus. I know how common it is, but I know You want me to have a healthy baby, and so I claim a healthy pregnancy, in Jesus’ name. I know love is the most important gift I can give my baby, so help me to be the most loving mother I can be. Father God, I want to be an extension of Your love. Use me to bring Your love into my child’s life. Anoint me to teach my child how to pray. Help me teach my child Your ways and Your Word. Help me to be a good role model. And again, I praise You for this wonderful miracle of life that’s growing inside me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

I hope all is well! Happy Saturday! 🥰😘