Masturbation Frustration

So I’m 22 years old and I’ve never had an orgasm. I’ve had sex but never take time with any of the guys to make me cum because I know it’s unlikely for them to get me to cum before I can even do it myself. I’ve tried to masturbate, but idk, like I either just don’t enjoy it or get discouraged cause I don’t feel anything or feel inadequate so I give up really quickly. I’ve tried watching porn, a vibrator(a small cheap one that just looks like a long bullet). I just don’t feel like anything. I’m desperate, especially now that I can’t even be getting sex (#socialdistancing) and everyone makes posts about masturbation even more now and I’m like ugh I feel like I’m missing out on something huge but I just don’t know how to enjoy it or how to make myself cum! Any and all advice welcomed (but remember, yes, I have tried a vibrator).