5 year relationship

So I’m writing this for some guidance in my relationship. We recently had a baby in December and during my pregnancy and up to now I’ve felt like he doesn’t really care for me as much as he use to. Don’t get me wrong he’s an amazing dad but a partner not to well. I feel sometimes I might be over thinking things but I don’t really feel as happy as we use to be. We’ve been together for 5 years now and it seems like nothing like it use to be. He’s a hard working man, works 40+ hours a week, and when he comes home he’s exhausted (which is expected) but it’s like he doesn’t take the time to bond with me anymore. Things just feel very comfortable, like he doesn’t feel like he needs to try anymore. When I bring this stuff up like how we go all day without talking to each other he says “We’ve been together for 5 years what is there to talk about, I don’t have anything to talk about. You know what I do everyday.”

Does it seem like I’m over reacting? I’m just so confused because I obviously love him, he’s my sons father but I just don’t feel like we’re not “in love” anymore, just comfortable.