Need some support, struggling

Samantha • 👧🏻🤰❤

We are stay-at-home quarantined now and I have ALL the mom guilt rn. Im a SAHM but hate being home so we go to all the free classes/swimming/moms club events we can so I can stay sane (i fought being SAHM for a long time but its best for us)

Now that we are home-home and have been for 2 weeks... i'm annoyed, im bored, I cant keep up on anything, i feel like all i do is play with the same toys and keep her from whining (shes always been VERY clingy and very needy/whiney). I feel bored because what can you do with a 6mo old that only wants to put everything in their mouth? Im stuck. Its been cold so hard to go outside (it just snowed yesterday) I feel like a failure. Just needed to vent ❤