Pregnancy scare

I just found out today I'm 13 days late. I've had the IUD since early September of 2018 and kept getting periods this time despite not having periods after 6 months max the other times I've had it. My periods have been very off in general since November. They were really heavy and painful for a while, then started lightening out and getting shorter (yes, I had it checked and it was still in position). So in all honesty I could be pregnant or my periods could have stopped. But not knowing which has me in panic mode. Especially since I heard some places aren't doing elective abortions right now because of the pandemic (and hoping desperately that isn't true if I do end up being pregnant). I can't get a test until my husband clocks off from work so I'm just sitting here worrying about it... I'm scared, guys. I know I shouldn't worry yet, but I can't stop it. Writing this helps, though.