Bottle & pacifier ???


Hey all! My little guy is 10 weeks old and suddenly has zero interest in taking a bottle or pacifier. He’s been slow to gain weight (not really an issue as his doc says he’s all good, just a lean machine) so we were supplementing an oz or 2 of breast milk after breastfeeding for the first 6ish weeks. Now all of the sudden in the last week-week and a half he WILL NOT take a bottle. Absolutely refuses. It’s not a huge issue since I’m a SAHM and the whole world is in quarantine but I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Is it a phase? Should I keep trying to give him a bottle so he can get used to it? He’s never had much interest in the pacifier to begin with but the bottle issue is a new thing. Appreciate any input/thoughts you may have 😊