Anxiety meds not showing up in drug test

I had to change doctors due to mine moving out of state. I have went to this new doctor for 4 months so far and every single time my urine drug test has came back as negative for my klonopin. I take .5 mg once a day. She is now threating to kick me out of her office as a patient. She sent my urine off last month for a metabolized test or something like that and it still was NEGATIVE. I'm beyond annoyed becasue I take this med faithfuly every single day once a day. She denied a blood test, a pill count and said she will think about what she is gonna do with me. Has anyone eles had this problem with klonopin .5mg? I have cried for days now because I'm not a drug dealer like she is painting me out to be. I need my medication and have been on the same mg for 5 years now. I am curious if there is another test I can have done myself somewhere since she denies me a blood test or any other way to prove it to her. Please I could use some advice or if anyone has been through this😪