24 & want to start a family so badly

So back story.... when I was 16 I had my first boyfriend who I lost virginity to. Well, I thought I was soooo in Love obviously and him and I for 8 months of our relationship tried for a baby we were only together for a year 😳

Lucky me I never got pregnant!! But you would think being so young I would get pregnant pretty quick! Wrong.

Turns out my doctor THINKS I have endometriosis but won’t do anything to prove it (still fighting with him about it🙄) my doctor also thinks I’m being over dramatic with the amount of pain and blood I experience during my period (lasted 7-9days, first 3-4 days had to change both pad and super plus tampon every 40-50minutes, andddd excruciating unbearable pain) so my doctor decided a D&C in December 2020 found I just have polyps and thick uterine wall even made the comment I could have endometriosis elsewhere but would require a different type of surgery but refuses to do it fucking asshole.

Just said I need to just get on the pill. Which made my periods less painful, shorter and I nearly bleed now...

But like I want answers!

My current boyfriend and I use no protection and he cums inside me nearly every time and we’ve been together for 2 years.

I just started birthcontrol in February this year...

And I’ve been on it in the past

Pill 2015(1yr not even maybe 8months)

Depo 2017(1yr)

And now pill again

I stopped birthcontrol every time Bc I HATE it.

My boyfriend literally asked my sister who has a toddler and one on the way “why can’t your sister get pregnant?” And it hurt my heart but he wasn’t trying to be mean or hurtful... he asked when I was playing with my nephew I don’t think he realized I was listening...


Thinking I’ll have to accept the fact of never being a mother kills me.... what if there was something I could do...why doesn’t my doctor want to help....

I’m so defeated