I don’t know what to do or what’s happening

On the 22 of this month I was two days late for my period never expected to be pregnant as I’d been trying for over a year so on the third day late I tested full on expected a negative to my surprise positive but they were kind of faint but noticeable which made me uneasy but still excited told my boyfriend and him and I made love that day twice the first time afterwards I had slight pink spotting but nothing crazy it instantly stopped then that night we made love again afterwards there was more spotting heavier and i went to bed woke up and there was even more this went on for two days with some cramping I instantly knew what was happening I then took a first response it was still positive but faint and the following day I took another it was faint , I been having pain in my ovary area and back I took two more test today still faintly positive how long does this process normally take and I must add I went to the hospital I was told My test were negative an external ultrasound was done I was told they couldn’t see anything mind you I’d only be 3/4 weeks what can I do I know where to turn no bloodwork done
